At Lakeland Christian School, we recognize that students have different academic needs and often learn at different paces. Learning disabilities and/or attentional issues can be discouraging for students. Through the Special Programs (SP) Department, LCS seeks to provide support for students with mild to moderate disabilities who are mainstreamed into the rigorous academic curriculum in the general classroom. This program is beneficial to students in first through twelfth grade; however, these services are not included in tuition and require additional fees, as noted in the brochure link below.
For more specific information concerning billing levels, corresponding services, and qualifications for eligibility, see the brochures below:
Applying for Special Programs (ESE)
There are four levels of ESE support for students in elementary school, ranging from consultative services to daily academic support. Certified teachers work with students in first through fifth grade, with instruction being offered in the areas of math and language arts.
There are four levels of ESE support, ranging from simple 504 Plans to daily intense remediation, for students in grades six through twelve who have a documented disability. Students mainstream into regular courses where subjects are taught at a college preparatory level except for middle school basic classes and high school core classes in math and English. For students with higher levels of need, specially certified teachers use research-based curriculum for reading, language, and math to specifically target skill gaps that are identified for each individual student through nationally normed data, psychoeducational reports, course grades, classroom teacher feedback, and SP teacher observation.
Admissions to Special Programs is based on space availability and the extent to which our resources are able to help the student succeed and is subject to change based on new or updated data.
Full Scale IQ: 85 or >
Documented ability to demonstrate academic functioning to include:
- No more than 2 years below level in ELA on school approved assessment
- No more than 2 years below level in math on school approved assessment
- Performance of no lower than 20th percentile on MAP Reading and Language
- Performance of no lower than 20th percentile on MAP Math
- Performance of no lower than Level 2 on FSA Reading
- Performance of no lower than Level 2 on FSA Math
A student with a national percentile test score between the 25th and 35th percentile in two out of three tested areas generally has a greater need for assistance and must be charged at the highest billing level of Special Programs, if approved for admissions to LCS.
While Special Programs admits students both above and below our test percentile range, admission is competitive, and we seek to enroll students who demonstrate the greatest potential for academic and personal success.
Students must:
- Be able to perform in a mainstream setting with peers in both reading and math curriculum.
- Be able to adequately integrate socially/behaviorally/emotionally with the student population independently for the majority of the school day.
- Participate in remediation courses as prescribed by the SP department.
- Present with a clean behavior record or such that SP feels is manageable for LCS..
- Not be diagnosed with any Mental Health disorder that LCS is not adequately prepared to manage/support.
Parents must:
- Fully disclose all information related to the student’s disability to include social, emotional, and academic needs.
- Provide all required documents in a timely manner prior to SP recommendation for admission.
- Sign SP Services Contract.
To qualify for the program the applicant must have a current Psychoeducational Report from within the last three years documenting a disability or a Professional Medical Diagnosis Form completed by a doctor or psychologist diagnosing a medical condition that impacts academic performance.
Failure to disclose or provide complete information at the time of application may result in denial of entrance or dismissal from the program and school. If more documentation is required to serve the student, Special Programs will determine which evaluations are necessary for continuation with the admissions process or within the program.
Upon submission of the application, there will be an initial review of documentation to determine academic eligibility. The following information is necessary to assess the suitability of our program for the needs of your child. Due to the volume of Special Programs applications, all documentation must be submitted before the application will be reviewed. Please submit the requested documentation online or to the Admission Office for review by the Special Programs Department.
Additional ESE Required Documentation upon application:
- Current accommodation plan (IEP, 504, Service Plan, Medical 504 Plan, etc.)
- Initial and most recent psychoeducational report (most recent – must be within 3 years of application year)
- Forward the Professional Medical Diagnosis Form to applicant’s current physician
- Most recent standardized test scores
- ESE Teacher Reference Questionnaire is required in addition to the Teacher Reference Questionnaire and generated during the online application.
After reviewing the admissions criteria, if you would like to begin the application process, please select the new student application link below. A shadow date may also be required as part of the admissions process.
Lakeland Christian School participates in the educational scholarship programs offered in the State of Florida, including but not limited to the Family Empowerment Scholarship – Unique Abilities (FES-UA). Parents who elect to enroll their student with a disability at Lakeland Christian School may not have an individual right to receive some or all of the special education and related services that the student would receive if enrolled in a public school under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), as amended.